git-cola v1.7.2

Usability, bells and whistles

  • git cola can now launch sub commands, e.g.:
git cola classic
git cola stash
git cola fetch
git cola push
git cola pull
git cola tag
  • git dag is more responsive when gathering auto-completions.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are displayed when the ‘?’ key is pressed.
  • Various keyboard shortcuts were added for improved usability.
  • The status widget now lists unmerged files before modified files.
  • vim-style h,j,k,l navigation shortcuts were added to the status widget.
  • A ‘Recently Modified Files…’ tool was added.
  • Tools can now be hidden with Alt + # (where # is a keyboard number) and focused with Shift + Alt + #.
  • The syntax highlighting colors for diffs was made less intrusive.
  • The commit message editor was redesigned to have a more compact and keyboard-convenient user interface.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for adding a Signed-off-by (Ctrl + i) and creating a commit (Ctrl + m) were added.
  • The status widget was adjusted to use less screen real-estate.



  • Create git-dag.pyw in the win32 installer.
  • win32 shortcuts now contain explicit calls to pythonw.exe instead of calling the .pyw file directly.

Deprecated Features

  • The ‘Apply Changes from Branch…’ feature was removed. git dag’s ‘Grab File…’ feature used alongside the index/worktree editor is a simpler alternative.